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3rd Annual PAS2  Meeting

Hosted virtually by Duke and Vanderbilt via Whova and Zoom

September 24-25, 2021

Annual Report-FY 2021 
Annual Report-FY 2020 

This past year has been far from normal.  We have all faced challenges beyond what we'd have imagined at the end of 2019, but we are proud that despite the COVID-19 pandemic, we have turned our focus to the compassionate, collaborative care of pregnant women- our patients here at home and across the world.  For those of us committed to caring for women with the Placenta Accreta Spectrum, we have continued our work to care for women with one of the most complex surgical conditions in pregnancy within the constraints of social distancing, PPE use, and systems and communities under higher than usual strain.  


Our inaugural meeting was held in September 2019, where mutli-disciplinary working groups assembled and began initial work on a series of White Papers.  These have been completed and submitted to the American Journal of Perinatology, to be published in a special edition.  We eagerly await to see these manuscripts in press, and plan to post them on this website once they are cleared from any publication embargo.  COVID-19 has delayed the actual publication release, and we are confident that their arrival will occur as soon as possible. 


Additional work has progressed between individual member centers on a variety of projects. 


Most notably, we have formally organized as a Non-Profit Corporation, applied to the IRS for Tax-Exempt 501(c)3 status (still pending at the time of this report), opened an account for dues and future donations. 


At the second Annual Meeting in September 2020, we tested using teleconferencing as a means to assemble, and a majority of attendees provided positive feedback about how productive the meeting was, despite the distance.  At the meeting, the Pan-American Society for the Placenta Accreta Spectrum By-Laws were formally approved by vote, including annual dues.  It was agreed that due to COVID-19, the Society would not begin to collect dues until January 2021.  Integral to this meeting and our Society's mission: ideas for future collaborative research were discussed, as were committee organization and structure, to ensure that all who want to actively participate in the society have the opportunity to do so.  


Our website has launched and is under continual development.  Please contact if you have suggestions or input for the website, research ideas, or need information regarding membership. 


We look forward to a productive and active 2021!




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